Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can develop after a harrowing experience when your life was in danger. At Remart Medical in Hollywood, Florida, Renaud Jean Louis, APRN, FNP, PMHNP, AG ACNP, MPA, and their team of highly skilled mental health professionals offer expert treatment and compassionate support for anyone struggling with PTSD. With their help, you can find a way through your trauma and recover from PTSD. Call Remart Medical to discover how you can benefit from expert PTSD treatment, or schedule a consultation online today.
request an appointmentWhat is PTSD?
PTSD can affect anyone who experiences something traumatic or witnesses a horrific incident. Examples of events that could lead to PTSD include:
- Severe auto accidents
- Air and rail crashes
- Terrorist attacks
- Natural disasters like hurricanes and floods
- Building fires
- Abductions
- Personal assault
- Mass shootings
- War
Armed combat is one of the most well-recognized causes of PTSD, affecting a significant proportion of armed services personnel. Living in a war zone or working for a relief organization assisting can also lead to PTSD. People who experience long-term abuse or torture can develop complex PTSD.
What symptoms are typical of PTSD?
PTSD symptoms fit into four categories:
Intrusive thoughts
One of the most typical PTSD symptoms is having flashbacks — memories of your trauma so vivid you feel you’re living through the experience again. You may find it hard to get thoughts of your experience out of your head when you have PTSD. You might also have nightmares about the event that can cause significant sleep disruption.
Negative thoughts
People with PTSD often feel various negative emotions, such as horror, rage, and guilt. Your mind may be filled with flawed thoughts like believing you can’t trust anyone, that you should have died, or that you could have done something to prevent the outcome.
Heightened arousal
Heightened arousal results from an overstimulated nervous system can happen because PTSD causes fear and anxiety, triggering the release of hormones like cortisol and adrenaline. You might frequently be irritable and jumpy, starting at the slightest noise.
Avoidance behaviors
To try and escape from your flashbacks, negative emotions, and being constantly on edge, you might avoid anything that reminds you of your trauma. Avoidance can also affect your ability to talk about the event and make you suppress your memories, but this often makes things worse.
How is PTSD treated?
The Remart Medical team offers personalized treatment plans to patients with PTSD. Your provider can prescribe antidepressants and anti-anxiety drugs to control your symptoms.
Talk therapies are vital for anyone with PTSD. They help in two ways; first, by helping you change the flawed thoughts in your mind and manage the challenges you face every day. Second, by supporting you while you process your trauma and find much-needed peace.
If you have PTSD symptoms, get expert help from Remart Medical. Call the office or book an appointment online today.